February 14, 2012

Week 4

Allright, energy have been quiet low, so Sunday evening where I usually blog I just wanted to sleep. Monday, worned out after 10½ hour workday.
Now it’s Tuesday, it’s February 14th – meaning valentines Day and school day for Jade. So I’m awake, since I have Teegan, he’s asleep. So while he sleeps in the new kind of rocking chair with music, which I love, since I don’t have to carry him during all of his sleep, only able to sit down and sit still  for 20 minutes or so. So I’m totally sold. I’ll try to write down as much as I can, from last week. Only taking the peeks.
Sam was out of town Mon-Wed. So Erin needed a little more help, we managed and things went well I think. By Thursday evening I had worked 35 hours, probably a little more, but counting minutes and half hours here and there is waste of time. The au pair program is to get flexible child care. As long as I don’t work more than 10 hours dayly and 45 hours weekly. It got a little over this week, that happens and as long as I don’t do that every single week, or way to often things should be fine.
After being here a month – I think that all of us have realized how different we are. It takes some time to adjust for everyone. In two weeks we will move into the new house, and another change will hit the family, but you can say it’s a more stabile change, this is where we are going to live. Which probably will help me too. I think the fact that I knew this wasn’t “my home” has done it a little harder for me to settle. One thing is adjusting and get settled in the family, but when you don’t have “your room” where you will stay for a year, it’s making it difficult. No furniture are belongings of the family. So non is their stuff except toys and clothing. So hopefully it will get better when we get settled in the new house. There might be “bumps” again, and a “second” adjusting time will begin.
Getting the new house done before we move in is after my feeling a little tight. Surprises can suddenly show up, so I might work “harder” than normal weeks, within the rules of course. So if I don’t blog on time as usual, I apologizee. But my work, health and sleep are my first priority.
Last week was the week where I got very mad at the Danish post system. We pay so much money sending letters. We pay to send and delivery. Not pick-ups. Here you get your mail and deliver your mail in your own postbox. What a joy! I seriously want more from my money back home in Denmark. No more trying to find a big red postbox where the pick-up-time hasn’t run out. Just go to your postbox right outside your house, put the letters in, raise the red flag and don’t worry any longer. So simple. I love this system!
Au Pair orientation meeting with my CC for the first time was Wedenesday, Silvia is originally from Slovakia and was an au pair in the states 10 years ago. Now living here and is an airhostess. Which is the reason she can be a little difficult to get in contact with. It’s also the reason we don’t know our meeting dates in advance, she only know her work schedule 1 month in advance,  so that is just how it is. But fortunately we are only 3 girls in the cluster, one girl lives 2 hours away because she don’t have her own cluster in her city. So we are actually only 2 girls from Boulder area. Meeting went well, we talked about how I have been, went through the main areas in our handbook, over a cup of tea. It was nice to finally get a face on the person.
In the weekend Mimi and PJ got to Boulder, to help out with the house. I stayed home to get some time to think and talk and write to a lot of persons from home. Stupid time-zone! :( Saturday afternoon I worked 3 hours so the “adults” could go see a movie. They were mistaken by time, and went to a pub/bar instead. Things were well, since it was nap time ;) we played a little and they got home. Day over.
Sunday I was chatting with Linea, about all and everything, she lost her voice so no talk-talk, just write-write. But it’s fine, I like our talks, it’s hard to be away from your best friend – that really stinks! But hopefully I’ll see her in July, and with this: Linea it’s week 7, the winter-vacation, you have plenty of time researching on the trip, flight tickets, what to see. Movies, mall, mountains, dinners are all mandatory. Let’s explore something else than Boulder ;) NYC,  San Francisco, all of CA, a day in D.C. ? Think! The internet wasn’t invented for nothing ;) Sorry couldn’t help myself :D
Well a lot more have happened, but right now this is just the rough sketch. So you have an idea what’s going on.

PS. Teegan is now using zippy-cup since bottle was nightmare. He have started to get a little up on his knees. Little Lightning McQueen have broken 3 times now (Jades toy) wonder if it just would be easier to buy new one. I got a phone – did I mention that last week? I can feel I’m gaining weight – which I do not understand. So exercise is needed. Still drinks lot’s of water, need sunglasses, and an extra 2 hours in the Sundays :D to blog in. Is addicted to the Danish series “lykke” and American “the bachelor” thank you internet streaming. 

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