July 30, 2011

First Family Contact

I’ve been contacted by a family. I don’t want to tell names or too much information about members of the family, since I don’t have permission or agreed and signed contract. What I can tell is that the family lives in California, and that I have Skyped with them. And I’m really positive. They seem very nice and calm. Children were very sweet and acted just like siblings do.

A good advice, check out the time differences when you need to call/Skype with families. I have made my own converter in a word document. It shows me all hours around the clock and then what time it is in California. I live in Denmark and in “summertime” I’m 9 hours in front of California. So when it’s 9 am in Denmark, it’s midnight in California. So in the middle of the day where I live, the family is asleep. We Skyped when it was around 7.30 am in California and 4.30 pm in Denmark. It is actually the “best” time to do it. No one has to get up in the middle of the night, and both of us are on the same date, because we both have crossed midnight.
In weekends, I would be able to stay up later or even after midnight. Since I wouldn’t need to go to work.  But on workdays, I need my sleep. So I can have all the energy to do my job.  It’s just a good idea to find a time, where it fits both parts. – That’s why I use a converter in a word document. I can always see what time it is, at the possible destination.

I look forward to Skype again, both side have questions for each other. And then I’m just excited to get to know a whole new family :)

Today my dad and I went to the zoo, it was real good weather, wasn’t too much heat or too many clouds. Just perfect. Afterward we bought a sandwich on our way home, and headed for the beach. We sat down and ate while we were looking cross the water. Then we went home.

Is pretty exhausted today, had a morning opener at work yesterday morning - 6.30 am,  Then home, relaxing, Skyping and then I meet with some colleagues, one of them is starting on a new job Monday, so we had a nice and calm evening with a few drinks – not much. But it was a nice evening. Got home at few minutes past midnight. But it was a looong day.

So after wandering around in the zoo and at the beach – I could really use a nap.  Just 20-30 minutes so I can keep myself awake tonight.

But a few nice days :) Good start in the weekend.

July 24, 2011

So many thoughts

So many thoughts in my head! So much have happened the last couples of days.

Everyone has already heard about the tragedy in Norway. All my thoughts go to the victims, their family, friends and just the Norwegian population. A Special thought goes to Michelle, a Norwegian/Danish girl I meet and spend three weeks with in our language school in Brighton 2007. I hope and pray that you’re alright! Also to an old school friend of mine, Her mother is Norwegian, I hope she’s going to make it through, Home must be real far away when something like this is happening.

So many young people have lost their life’s. And I can’t find one good reason! I don’t understand why the defendant needed to do this. They were so young, so innocent, having fun, having their own political meaning. Why is that so wrong?!
I don’t see the meaning of this life, when something like this happens. Because it shouldn’t happen! Why is it that we can’t live side by side in peace? I don’t care about color, social status, religion or lifestyle.  I respect differences and respect democracy!

I do fear the day it will happen in Denmark. And some people say: but I won’t! But I believe it will, so many times we have seen it getting so close. The police and PET have been able to stop it, before it actually happens. But someday they won’t be fast enough, even though they are really, really good at their jobs, some day they will miss something. And it will happen. I don’t know when or where, I know which areas in Copenhagen are very busy, filled up with people every day. So does the police. Unfortunately I can’t prevent it. Though I really want to. I have to trust the police and their work. I don’t know when it’s going to happen, and I’m kind of glad I don’t. I can fear it, but it will never make me live differently. Yes I fear it, but I will never let the people who do this win.

I also fear a lot, if something is going to happen, when I’m in the states. What if something happens to my family or friends, back home in Denmark. I won’t be there, to support and help. I will sit helplessly, on the other side of the planet. Getting the updates to late because of time differences.
I’m afraid of school shootings. School shooting have been a subject in my English classes three years in a row. I have seen “bowling from Columbine” at least 4 times. I have read about Virginia tech many times to. It’s so unfair! You can not excuse these people from doing it. I’m going to study in America, and I am still going to America as an au pair. When I’m there, I probably don’t think about it. But in times like this I do.

Everything comes with a risk. The airplane can crash, you can be hit by a car, and you can fall down the stairs and die. If we had to live risk-free then we shouldn’t live. We couldn’t, we just have to go on with our lives. Here in Denmark, Norway, America, Japan, Australia, Afghanistan, Russia, all over the world. We cannot live without risk. We have to do our best every day, and take one step at a time. Things like the tragedy in Norway shocks us, but we have to live!

And then a happy thing: A big goodbye to Rikke, another blogger www.rikkesimone.com . Who is leaving today to become an au pair in New Zealand. Can’t wait to hear about your journey!

July 18, 2011

Ballerina and Thinking

Well it’s Monday – my day off. And I’m so bored today... Have cleaned up my room, did it the other day to, so there wasn’t really much to clean. So I sat down, turned on my IPod, and made a handmade ballerina in cardboard. You can see the result below…

My swing broke yesterday. For those who’s thinking “Swing? Aren’t you 20?” Yes I’m 20, and my swing in the backyard is my thinking place. I go out there, listening to music, think and dream. Where other people might relax with a book or the TV. I relax most when I’m sitting on my swing, just listening to music. It’s the place where the decision is made and taken to consideration. And in the moment I have 1000 of thoughts everyday to figure out.
Is it a bit childish, maybe – maybe not. I can live without it, but it’s a nice place to have when thoughts are going wild or I need a break from everything.

In the moment I’m thinking about the Au Pair thing. I’m I really ready to leave for whole year? Because, I’m signing up for a whole year. There are so many things to consider. I’m leaving my life behind for a year. My job, friends, family, home, stability, security, everything! And then I’m off to a whole new country. A country you hear and see so much about. All the great movies and TV-shows. The good old American Dreams. But in the same time I know, that it’s not the American dream I’m going to enter. It’s hard work, new culture, you have to start from the bottom and you only have one year, before you leave again. Why?

Because I need it. For twenty years now, I have lived in the same country, in the same town, on the same street and in the same house.  It have gotten so “ordinary” There are no big surprises. The life just goes on and on in the same routine and I need some fresh air. I need to see how it also can be done. See the world trough new eyes. I need to challenge myself. I will be forced to speak with strangers, I will have to adapt to another culture and lifestyle.  I’m going to be the “new girl” who doesn’t know how things are done – in the American way. It all sound so scary to me. But I need a boost.

It’s just the hard goodbyes, the tears, all the hugs and kisses. Knowing that people will miss me. Knowing that they will get hurt (in a hopefully good way) Not being able to run back to my momma’s skirts and hide. Not being able to discuss the most banal stuff with my brother. Because we will probably spend the time on Skype on good and funny stuff instead.  I’m going to be vulnerable without me shields.

But hey, I’m going to have the time of my life. New friends, a new family, so many memories, lifetime learning. And hopefully (knock under the table) everyone will be there when I come back. It’s just for a while. And 1 year is going faster than you think!

July 11, 2011

interview done, waiting time begins

Interview went well, got a lot of information – but its okay. We went through what’s going to happen now. Cause it can be quit tricky to know. We looked at some of the papers, everything was fine.

But (for them) it’s a shame that I can’t go ASAP. But I have a contract, and with that follows a “term of notice.” I have to give my employer the rest of the month plus an extra month notice, before I can quit and stop my job.  So if I lay down my resignation today, I would have to stay rest of July plus all of August. And then I would be “free” But even if I did so, I wouldn’t give me guaranty that I would have a family in the beginning of September. So Hopefully I will leave October-November. There are only 1 departure in those months and no departure in December. But with my references and experience, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. (At least I hope so, so does MyEducation)

      To apply, to become an au pair might seem as an easy thing. But it’s actually not just a form you have to fill out. It’s a lot of paperwork! A lot of waiting time! Everything have to be done correct, no mistakes, perfection and a lot of time & energy!
     Then interview at the agency (In my Case MyEducation)(not difficult at all) then papers sent to America (EurAupair), then they will have to check all my papers. If everything is all right. Then they will upload me in their system.
     Then the family will see my profile/application in a database.
     Then they will contact me, email/phone calls/Skype.
     Then you need to get to know each other. Find out if your personality and/or lifestyle match.
     If not, then you will have to wait for the next family to contact you. Maybe you will get to know several families in the same period of time.
     When you FINALLY find a family you want to match with, and they want to match with you. There are (drum roll) MORE PAPERWORK. It’s actually kind of a contract/agreement you will have about the placement.
     Then you need to apply for a visa.
     Get an interview at the embassy.
     Get accepted, get your visa.
     And then you actually “just” need to pack down your stuff, leave your old life for a year, say goodbye to everyone important.
     And last but not least your FLIGHTTICKET. I’m so glad that MyEducation will take care of that one!

Please don’t get frightened by this. I truly believe that it’s worth everything. On the paper it’s a lot of stuff, but much of it belongs with each other. And to be honest, I just want it to be October/November NOW. I know the next 1½ month probably is going to be wild. One is that I got my job in the nursery, but another is that this circus will be started. Families will call (cross your fingers!) Decisions will be taken. And I look forward to my adventure can begin.

July 9, 2011

Au Pair VS. Facebbok VS. Host family

Right now I’m following kind of a debate about facebook and au pairs.

It’s kind of a weird topic, with no right answers. So to light up the subject I will give you my opinion.

I think facebook is a great idea to use, when you try to match with host families. But I think the biggest benefit belongs to the host family. They can have a very big “sneek peak” in an au pairs life. Everything you ever have been posting will be found. Pictures, updates, comments, games etc. It all will be available to the families.
Personally I don’t mind. I have a lot of stuff on facebook, and use it several times daily. I like the fact that I can follow all my friends’ lifes in just a few minutes a day. I can show them all that I want and show my way of living to the rest world.

But the biggest issue and debate is the pictures! There is a huge debate whether or not, it’s okay for an au pair to delete pictures who would have been “bad” in the host parents eyes. Personally I have only deleted a few pictures, pictures that I wouldn’t like to show my parents.

The “problem” in hostparents eyes is often when au pairs smokes or the picture contains bottles or drinks. I Personally won’t remove all of those pictures.
First of all: I DO NOT SMOKE not even at parties.
Second: I hardly never drink.
Third: When I DO drink, I drink around my family and nearest friends, not because I’m worried that I will get to drunk. But because I enjoy having a nice time with them and a glass or two is part of the cozy time.
Fifth: I only drink when I’m celebrating something, Birthday, anniversary, graduation etc.

But it’s so important for ALL au pairs to TELL THE TRUTH at all times. The more open you are, the better. If they ask do you smoke? Then say NO if you don’t, but say YES if you do also if it’s just “social smoking” But instead of just saying yes or no.  EXPLAIN!  This also counts for all other questions the family may have. Always tell the truth.

But it’s just my advice and thought about aupair VS facebook VS host family

Interview and I recommend

Okay, The agency now have recived my application. And I’m going to the interview Monday. The guy who is doing the interview and read my application. Said that it was a very good application. So I hope it’s true!

At my website www.miebruzelius.dk I now have had the time to fill in all the pictures. When I say “all” it’s just a small sample. There wouldn’t be enough space or time. If I had to put every single picture on my website. So a few pictures of everything. The rest is on my facebook. But you have to be a friend of mine to see.

Then when we finally have facebook I will make one more post today (I hope) about being an au pair and the use of facebook. Idea is taken from the blog I will describe bellow.

I follow a blog named www.aupairmom.com I love it! It’s made for hostmoms but as time went more and more people started to comment. It’s great and have all kinds of topics and questions. I can only give my highest recommendations! Everyone who wants to become hostfamily or au pair should know about and follow this blog!

July 4, 2011

Small update

Well, MyEducation have recieved my application. Now they will write to my tomorrow, they only miss 1 information. I think it’s my passport number. But since I sent my application before I received my new passport, I couldn’t write it down. But they will just have it and put in on themselves. No worries.
Now I think I will need to go to an interview so we can look at my papers and they can hear me speak English.  And then I think they will sent my papers to Euraupair, who will make sure the families can see all my informations. I thought I had it all under control, but now I’m not sure. But I guess You and I will know when we take the next step.

I have started all over on my website, still the same, just more controlled.  Now It’s more manageable and have a nicer and easier look. As always it’s www.miebruzelius.dk If you don’t understand Danish, then press the English flag above the menu, to the left side.

There will be uploaded pictures, but over the last 48 hours we have had cloudbursts in here in Copenhagen, Denmark. So internet, TV and  Phone signals is pretty weird. The pictures will come, I just need some more stabile signal to do so.   But all text is online, and many pictures to. But albums have to wait.

Today I made a raspberry/strawberry Pie. And ate with some vanilla ice.

That’s all for now.