June 25, 2011

Paperwork done!

I finally manage to get all my paperwork done, and sent it to MyEducation yesterday.

Now I will have to wait until they have finished going through all my papers. Then One of them have to call me so we can set up a meeting, so I can get my interview done. At the interview as far as I’m aware – we actually just go through all the papers together, including my “Dear host family letter” all me references. I would guess it has to be in English – so they actually can hear which level I’m on.
Personally I have pressed excellent to, speaking, listening and reading. And Good in writing.

My language might not be fluent when I just have to say one or two sentences, but if I get started in English I will be able to do it as fluently as I can do. It’s extreamly hard to maintain my fluency. This summer it’s 3 years ago I was in Brighton. I really don’t understand where those years went. I lived in Brighton for three weeks, and when I got home I spoke fluent English. But every day I only get to talk Danish, Though I must admit that I often find myself speak English to myself. I guess it’s a way of keeping in touch with the language.

Listening is no problem, of course if people talk very fast or is mumbling it can be very difficult. But normal speaking and speed is no problem. It’s like I don’t have to translate everything in my head. Though I know my brain does it, it takes less than a second. I don’t feel it getting translated. Which must be a good thing I guess?

Reading is also excellent. As long as it’s “normal” pages I need to read. Like blogs, novels, short stories, etc. When it’s an “everyday language” It’s just easy for me.

Then we have the writing. Yes I am good, but I’m not excellent. I have tried to work on this for several years now. It’s a long and tough fight, but I won’t give up. I can see I have improved, and yes I do need a dictionary once in a while. But many times I know the word but don’t know how to spell it. I often makes mistakes in the To/Too though I have had several English teachers trying to teach me. Psychological is a very hard word to spell. And yes, I had to get my computer to correct it - which is why I often just use the word mentally. A lot easier!

The agency and I may not agree on my language skills. But I know I’m a lot better than many others. But it will turn out at the interview.

I really hope somebody is out there reading :) I feel kind of alone on the World Wide Web

June 18, 2011

My birthday and news on the au pair front

Happy Birthday to me!

Amazing, I’m now 20. The weird thing about it is that I don’t really want to celebrate it.

Back in February I bought tickets to “cirkusrevyen” (circus revue) Kind of a comedy/satire show. I bought 4 tickets, one for me, my mom, my dad and my brother. Just the four of us. An experience we could join together before my brother and I would leave Denmark for longer or shorter period of time.

Usually I would celebrate by inviting my family and nearest family-friends. We would start in the afternoon having birthday cake, cookies and coffee. I would get presents and we would talk and have a great time. But this year, I just don’t feel like to celebrate. It would be nice, but I’m not in the mood

I guess it’s because I want to get “used to it” – not having my nearest and dearest family around, when it’s Christmas and at birthdays. I know it’s a part of the game – and I’m not going to quit just because, it’s going to be tough.

I know I will be homesick; I’m going to miss everyone around me, family, friend, loved ones. I’m going to miss, my daily life, which is safe and a routine. I’m going to find myself, in a new and strange country, where things not always are done in my way. I’m will probably say “I give up, I want to go home!” thousands of times. But still, I think I would stay. Being homesick and having a tough time is a part of the package, whether want it or not.

Well – there are news about my project. I have now chosen MyEducation / Euraupair as my agency. I have received a lot of papers and forms I and many others have to fill out. It’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of time!

The Danish agency did a mistake, you send an internet form, and I chose to apply for departure in November. So I received all the papers to fill out Thursday June 16th, inclusive forms that the doctor have to fill out, references forms etc. And then they wanted it back latest this Tuesday!!! Like that is going to happen! So I wrote back to them and said that that was impossible to get it all fixed. I can’t get a doctor’s appointment over a weekend the office is closed!  
Then they wrote back to me, that they would extend so now I have until July 4th . But that they really want the papers as fast as possible, when I want to departure in August.

IN AUGUST! How did that happen?? I applied for departure in November; their computer systems must be really damaged! Well I wrote back calmly, that I actually applied for November and then a lot of questions about my au pair application. Who would have thought it would be that difficult to fill out applications in the right way?!
Well, let’s see what they will answer.

In the end I would like to mention my newly started website. miebruzelius.dk check it out! You can get it in Danish or English, just press the flags :) 

June 3, 2011

Posting in English?

I have had a few e-mails: asking if it was possible to start blogging in english, So they didn't have to use the google translater. I am considering it. But I would like to know if anyone then will read it?

Please comment, I need some responses

Jeg elsker:

Min familie
Mine venner
Mit kørekort
Min have

En let brise
enkelte regnvejrsdage

Dejlig saftige bøffer

Min nye bikini
Høje Hæle
Min hvide lette sommerkjole
Min kæmpe oversize grønne hættetrøje som jeg kan dalre rundt i

At gøre noget for andre
At smile
At skabe glæde
At rejse og opleve
At slappe af

A walk to remember
The notebook
About a boy