January 30, 2012

Week 2

Well another week is over. And it has been a good week. Starting to get “normal” – so that is nice.
Monday was a good day, Tuesday Jade started pre-school and she seemed to like it very much. Then we went over to the new house. Jade picked another room than last time they saw the house. I picked what they thought should be Erins office. So that was fun.
In the evening I got picked up by Stephanie a Danish au pair in the area. I hadn’t seen the town, so we drove through the hills (the place where all the students live) and then down to Pearl Street Mall, where we got dessert at the “Boulder Café” we talked for around an hour and she drove me back home. Very sweet girl, it was a bit weird to talk Danish, but still nice.
Wednesday I had a fantastic morning with Jade. She had a bath before she had to go to the doctor for a check out. So while they were at the doctor I had a little break where I went for a walk with Thira our dog. When they got back hell broke loose twice, but eventually I got her down to nap. Not the best way to do it, but I got her down. After her nap everything was fine we had fun playing.
Thursday was a normal day too where Jade again went to pre school. Friday day was normal and in the evening we got guests over. Jill and Jason along with their son Thomas. They are down here to see the city, since they are thinking about to move here. It was nice to have some company and it was a good dinner.
Saturday morning we got up early, sat in the car and drove down to Pueblo. Mimi needs some more help with the Chocolate which only is one week away. So we spend many hours down there and almost finished the job. So that was amazing to see. And again I feel fantastic to do such thing. In the evening we had Hamburgers and it tasted fantastic.
Sunday I woke up by myself, when I got up I found out that Denmark was playing the final in the European handball championship. I got SO exited and tripped around the floor, nervously. But we WON!! So I’m so proud to be a Dane. Then I finally reached Linea, so we skyped for 30-45 minutes. SO nice to finally talk to her. Though I think I talked the most. Her webcam didn’t work. So she have a job to get done before next time. Then we went to Pueblo Zoo, a nice little zoo. After that we went back home.
So a good week with more bonding and less screaming. But it’s all still very new to me. But I like it so far. Look forward finding a map and get a bike to get around. I start to feel home, and I think it gets much better when we get into the new house. So I can get more settled with my stuff. So, I managed to keep it short. Proud of my self.

January 23, 2012

Week 1

Here we go Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s now time to get your coffee, tea or snack. Go to the restromm. In a minute a 3500-words post about my first week as an au pair will begin. Here in the beginning there is so many things to write about. Along the way, the posts (hopefully for every one) will get smaller. Sometimes I might even forget to write – but I will do it as good as I can. Are you ready?
First day of work. A bit nervous, but I think that’s quite normal. I’m also really glad that Erin is working from home, so she is near.
Went to the park/playground with Jade, we climbed and slide a lot. She “locked me up” in a cage which actually just where a place between a fence and a soccer-net. But we had fun. After 1 hour she got a melt-down, she was cold, I was new, mommy wasn’t there. So her world fell a bit apart at the time. At the same time she told me she wanted hot chocolate, and I told her no, because I didn’t knew if she could get it. And then she screamed even more. After like 5-10 minutes of screaming, kicking, whining, trying to run away (there is a road with cars very, very near! So I was quite nervous when she started running) I eventually got her calmed down. I told her that we could go back to the house and then she started whining. So we sat down again, started over with the screaming and kicking, but not for that long. Because I figured out a way to deal with her, and I think that she understood that I wouldn’t give up, or let her run. So we figured the problem and found a solution. I carried her home - she was cold, and probably a bit tired of running round all the time. So we went home (2 minutes walk, maximum), and I learned how to make “hot chocolate” in the “right” way. I just needed to clear it with Erin first.
That is actually one of my biggest fears, it’s to do something wrong. I know people makes mistake, but I want to do as little as possible. And eventually we sorted out the problem, and next time we are out and she gets cold and asks for chocolate I can say “yes” because now I know it’s okay.
Well, Teegan had an off-day. It didn’t help his mood that I tried to bottle feed him. But we have to try. I put Jade into quiet-time (nap) and then I took over Teegan, at first he really didn’t want to sleep and it took so long time with crying, before he finally gave up or just gave in. he went to sleep and slept on my shoulder. Then it was time to challenge myself. The famous bottle that he do not like to take. But he did in his sleep! I was so happy. So it turned out to be a great day! Except that I had a huge headache all day long. It’s very, very rare that I have had that kind of headache. Where the pain usually is booming  this one is pain all the time, nonstop. So at 5.30pm I went to lay down, fell asleep, then I missed dinner. But at 10pm I woke up, wasn’t really hungry, so I went back to sleep and slept for at least 8 hours more = 12 hours of sleep
Today I got up after over 12 hours of sleep. Then I turned on my computer and did the usual routine facebook-mail-news. We ate Oatmeal – the Danish way. Oats, raisins and milk – all cold! Erin, Sam and Jade went to check a preschool, so I was home alone with Teegan. I managed to get him to sleep for about an hour, he didn’t want to take a bottle with ricemilk so he got pretty upset. Erin came home 10-15 minutes after and then he could something to eat. Then we played, I had Teegan some of the time. We ate lunch, putted Jade to nap, it took longer today than yesterday. But it was fine. Then I got Teegan, he was already asleep so It was just a nice relaxing time. I lay with him on my chest and shoulder while I was in the couch reading. He woke up once in a while complaining as babies do. But he got 2 good hours of sleep. Then Jade woke, we had snack, went outside – it was freezing cold and we have had snow.  Then we ate and I went to my room talking with some other au pairs in my area from a list Euraupair gave me. Though many of them lives far away, and 1 of the girls are moving tomorrow because of a sad re-match who no one could prevent. So we are actually only me and a girl near by left from the agency. But she knows other au pairs from other agencies . including another Danish girl. But she would like to meet, so we just need to find a day.
Mostly a pretty good day. Jade and I played with play dough, played with ballons and played with her favorite toy in the moment: Lightning McQueen. Then we took a early lunch and went outside to play in the backyard. Then it we went in to get a small snack before naptime. The “schedule” was pushed a little, and I had some problems getting her to nap. Well she napped for 45 minutes and then we were off to danceclass. She got a meltdown and so we went home. Teegan was all happy-baby today, so that was really nice. Dinner was really late and ended up being breakfast-kind-of-dinner but it tasted really good!
It’s really windy this evening and will continue tomorrow too. A good day, with a not-so-great afternoon. But I’m good :) 
Erin, Sam and Jade went out to see another preschool in the morning. So I was home with Teegan. Everything was fine, He went to sleep, I gave him a bottle, he ate a bit of it and I cut his fingernails. They are seriously sharp! So now we can relax for another week, without been thorned a part ;) Jade came home and we went outside in the nice weather. It felled like spring, The sun was shining and was warm, the birds were tweeting and the smell was so spring-ish. Really liked that. We played around for an hour, playing with a stuffed puppy, who was a flying, skiing jungle-pup. Yep:  flying, skiing jungle pup - fun game. We played hide and seek with sticks. (sticks was  suppose to find each other) then we played a little with Thira and did the flying jungle pup thing again. We also talked about the sun and the ice left in the backyard. We went in played with some train tracks, had lunch, nap (which went very good today only half hour, all included) then I had Teegan. Who must have had bad dreams, he woke up crying with his eyes closed like he slept. And only Erin could get him to settle down. The third time he did it he woke up from his own “screaming” poor little guy :( well in the afternoon Erin and Jade made pumpkin bread and I just hang around and watched Teegan. Then we had dinner, pumpkin bread very good (tasted like sister/spicey cake in Denmark) then I hang around a bit and went to get a shower and then into my room.
I listen to a lot of “Rasmus Seebach” numbers. Danish Music is good music, and his lyrics just make it all easy. I love all his songs, they just make sense. Especially: ”Vover på at gå” (you dare to leave), ”Nangijala” (Nangijala), ”under Stjernerne på himlen” (under the stars in the sky), ”sig jeg skal” (say I have too),” Igen i dag” (again today)  and ”Glad igen” (happy again) Makes so much sense to me. Many of them are just the typical love-songs. But “sig jeg skal” and “glad igen” means a lot to me. It keeps my mind on the track: I need to do this, I need some fun, new adventure, life-long-learning, I need to find myself and find my way in life. I need the challenge and all of that is possible for me to do if I catch the chance.
Tomorrow we are leaving for Pueblo. Down to Erin’s Mom (mimi) and PJ.
One final song: New Tomorrow by A friend in London. “come on boys, come on girls in this crazy, crazy world - you're the diamonds, you're the pearls - let's make a new tomorrow - come on girls, come on boys - it's you're future it's your choice - and your weapon is your voice - let's make a new tomorrow, today. “ Goodnight all.
A wonderful day. Everything have sort of being pushed today. We didn’t eat breakfast before 9.30am which was fine. We were going down to Pueblo in the early afternoon (2 hour drive) So first we made sure to tidy everything before we left, since we also had a cleaning lady coming over to clean the house. And then it was breakfast time. Today was the best weather, even better than yesterday. So nice weather, the sun was really warming it all up, amazing. Jade and I went out to the backyard to play while Erin could work, house was clean and just to enjoy the nice weather. Todays major thing to play was birds. There is a small bird-bath in the garden, there was a little bit of ice left in the yard, so we took it over to the bath and let I melt to the birds. Then we “flew” around as birds tweeting out loud, and then we began making a nest. So we spend over an hour collecting sticks and leaves for the nest. Which in the end actually got really cool! While we “flew” around and tweeted a woodpecker started to call back. Every single time we called “tweet tweet” it responded to us. So that was really fun for both of us. We went in to the house had lunch and then we played around. Jade helped the cleaning lady, and she was really into all the spraying and drying it off again. It was so sweet. Well Sam got home from work and we took off. 2 hours drive, roadwork! And everyone in Denmark defiantly knows what that means: queue! Well we got here, and both PJ and Mimi are really warm and welcoming people (not because I doubted it at all, they are social people) we went out for dinner on a Mexican restaurant. Though funny enough I didn’t order any Mexican food. I got some breaded chicken with fries. (Very healthy ;) ) we got home and hang around a little, try giving a bottle, reading in the aupair/hostfamily handbooks and then I went down to my room. I’ll explain more about the sizes I’m now realizing tomorrow. Right now, I’m so tired. Listening to Rasmus Seebach and A friend in London – as my goodnight music
Well as promised about the sizes I’m realizing. Holy cow this is a big country! And I only had a 2 hour drive down to Pueblo! One thing is what you see on the maps. Yes you can see the difference on the maps, but that’s just a map. We went through the desert of CO, and it just went on and on and on. I have done my math and Denmark can fit into the State of Colorado 6,4 times! So the deserts just continued out in everything. To do it in a much bigger perspective then Denmark can fit into the United States of America 228 times! (according to Wikipedia)
Also houses, the Temp house and the new house are like normal sizes houses – which is great for me, I can cope with that, I come from a small house. Then we got to Pueblo. And Mimi and PJ is having the “American dream” house. Gigantic in my eyes. There is a whole if not 2 flats in the basement, where I sleep. It got everything! bedroom, bathroom, gym-room, 2-3 other smaller rooms, a large room with couches, gigantic beanbag, pool table, office, kitchen, golf-putting place. It’s really huge! And that’s just the basement floor. Then we have one more floor, with kitchen, dining /TV-area, master bedroom, guestroom etc. So this is like a really American houses . looks like in the movies!
So that is quite fun to be in and to see the big wide-open spaces.
Well the Saturday was in the sign of charity. Not something you do much of in Denmark. We do charity shows for fundraising and we beam doors to get money. Today I helped wrapping, bowing and gathering baskets for the YWCA, Pueblo. Who will make an online auction where all these baskets can be bid on - to raise money. On February 3rd they will do their yearly chocolate indulgence. You can read about the event here: http://www.ywcapueblo.com/wordpress/?page_id=7 and about YWCA here: http://www.ywcapueblo.com/wordpress/  .  We got into this building and in the first room, I was like: that wasn’t much. But then we continues into the next room, and there was SO many things. Sorted out in categories on tables. There were stuff everywhere, ribbons, plastic-wrapping paper, a computer to type information about every single basket in. it was crazy. And this was probably just a “little” place to do such stuff. So I was amazed and I found that I really like this kind of charity work. I rather do the practical and physical work than beaming doors or call people and try to get them raise money over the phone. So I really enjoyed to give a helping hand. Hopefully I will be able to do more charity work while I’m in the US.
After the charity work we meet with the boys and Jade and had lunch. And then we dropped by a Wisconsin cheese store (Sam is from Wisconsin) and then home so Jade could get her nap.
Sam talked to the insurance company, so I think I’m able to drive now. I just need to try drive with one of them next to me, the first few times, especially if the kids are in the car. I’m not used to automatic gear or aware of all their driving laws. You can turn right even though the light is red! And left if it’s a one way street! But I need to get used to the roads, they are bigger, more lanes and then I need to learn my way around. But I will get used to it :)
Then we just stayed at the house until dinner, I typed in my blog, we watch the election of the republicans candidate, I heard one guy, this Rick Santorum, who is (in my eyes) too religious. He got 3 statements, jobs – education – and that people should be married before babies. He’s one of those persons most au pairs DON’T want to work for. It’s way to much. Welcome to the 21-century Mister, making the next generation believe in faith – will not happen. Get over it!  And then dinner was up. After dinner Jade actually wanted to play with me. She have been (in my eyes) a bit hostile to me, so I have been like enemy no. 1 to her. Everyone else have been better than me. But she is 3½ year old. And she is going through a lot of stuff in the moment. They moved 3 weeks ago, all of her friends is now “gone” in her eyes, it’s a new house, which is not ours since it’s a temp. house. Hopefully we will soon get in to the new house. So she will be able to have their own furnitures so it feels more like home. Then she have also “lost” her Nanny Kristin who she’ve had for 2 years. And then I’m all new. I’m not Kristin and I’m not doing the things like Kristin did. So we have our up-times and down-times. So I try to take as much of the quality-time she is allowing me in the moment. And we play well together. I just need to get used to only have to focus on 1½ child. I’m used to 12 in my nursery group, plus practical stuff, plus parents and plus the other children from the other groups. So only focusing on 1½ child is actually hard (even though most people will say: oh that’s easy – it’s not!) During our hide-and-seek / dance the “hop, hop, hoping around like the silly rabbit-clown” I managed to stretch a muscle in my lower leg. Hopefully it will be over soon.
Then all of us except PJ went for a short stroll with Thira. It was mild weather even though the sun was down. I could really get used to it. Though the weather is said to change SO amazingly fast. I really look forward to experience my first thunderstorm. In July I have been told that it’s common everyday – at least in Pueblo. I don’t like the sound, but love to watch lightning.
Now going to bed, with good memories from the day.

Today, we had our last day in Pueblo for this weekend. We went to a park, which was pretty cool. We was there for around 1½-2 hours. I love playgrounds!
After the park we went back home to Mimi and PJ’s house. There is a football match between New England Patriots and Baltimore Ravens. We cheered for Patriots. While the game was on we ate lunch/snack. Cheese and crackers. For those who knows me really well will think I just ate the crackers. But I was very brave and tried the cheeses. And I actually liked some of them!
I think it’s important to take the chance to change your life, while you got the chance. My year in the US will give me a fresh start – a clean cut. All I have ever been or done have made “me” – but I’m young (I know it sounds so cliché) But it’s true. I get to start over, try all the things I have never dared or just haven’t done. I have never liked cheese, only if it was cooked into my warm dinner. Today I took the chance and tried cheese and crackers. It might be simple cheeses – but it was cheese on crackers. And every time I try something new, I get proud that I can get out of my comfort zone and do something new.
I have taken a decision to change my life, I will still be me, I will just have some changes. Every day we learn something new and we change automatically. So will I. So I’m proud, especially when it comes to food. I try, and if I don’t like it, then I at least know for sure, instead of letting my comfort zone stop me.
Well after lunch we headed towards home. We went by IKEA to get some licorice in the food shop. And believe it or not, they didn’t have it! I know they have it in other IKEAs so I was choked. Well we got back to the road and drove to the Worldmarket in Boulder. They had some Haribo licorice, not the salty, strong stuff like we have in Denmark. So Mommy I will sent you an e-mail with the licorice I would like, and if you would be so kind to sent it, I would be the happiest daughter ever!
Besides that I had a great day with Jade, we played together and at dinner time back home in Boulder. She actually came to the decision that I was no longer a stranger and that she is starting to get used to me (I don’t remember if those are the exact words, but  I think and hope that was what she told me) So That’s very good.
Well, a new week again tomorrow. Jade will start Pre-school Tuesday, it will be good for her to play with some peers. And start a “normal” rhythm. It’ll be good for her.

January 18, 2012

First weekend

Friday evening:
The flight went great. For the first time I was able to sleep during a flight. But I missed my meal because I was sleeping. Well when I got to the airport, Everyone needed to go into a train to get to baggage claim. This says a lot about the size and in general a lot about America! Got out of the train and went up, finding a lot of people waiting for people to arrive. And I was like, this can be hard. I had two directions to go, and needed to find Sam. Luckily, he had a sign with my name on. So I located that and then Sam. And very surprisingly Jade was there too. She was very excited and was literally everywhere. Jumping peoples bags, running around, over exited. But she was so sweet and it was a long waiting time for my bag. My suitcase came and then we headed for the car and drove home. Erin were home with Teegan since it would be unfair to him to drag him into a car, when he defiantly not like to be in a car.
I was so hungry when I got there, so I had some chicken and some salad and then we all went to bed. It had been a long day and a long evening.

Got up around 7, went into the TV room where Jade, Erin and Teegan were up. Took Teegan up and sat with him for a while in the couch. Jade watched Cat in a hat. Then Sam got up.
I took a shower and got ready for the day. We got eggs in a hole for breakfast. Then we went out. First we drove by the new house, so I could see. And then we went for the bank. And that was an experience. We couldn’t get into the bank because it was Saturday. But American have found a great system. Kind of a drive-in bank. You drive up to this tube, hand over the documents and checks you need to deal with. And then your stuff is transported by air into the bank where there are sitting a person dealing with the stuff. That’s pretty cool! I wish we could have something like that in Denmark. Opening hours between 10am-4pm isn’t enough!
Then we went to this kind of park on the mountain, and went for a walk. It was SO beautiful. The mountains, blue sky, few clouds – as taking out of a picture! It was quite slippy, there are snow here! And ice. So we went back down, and drove into Boulder where we had Lunch/Brunch at the “tea house” Boulder has a sister-city in a country I do not remember right now. But Boulder gave an internet café to them, and they got a tea house. It was so beautiful!
We went home so Jade could get her nap. During Jade’s (and Sams) nap I talked with Erin about different things. Very nice talk we had.
Jade got up, and she had a snack and we wanted to go down to the Library to return a movie and to the park. We didn’t get that far in the beginning. We meet our neighbores instead. Very nice people, they have a boy 1 year older than Jade and a baby coming any time soon. It was nice to meet them. And it took longer than expected. So we headed toward the library. We were pretty hungry, at least Erin and I was. So we decided to grab a take and bake pizza. Went into the drugstore got a few things for me, went to the Pizza house. And then we walked home.
While the dinner was made or just baked ;) Jade and I played Target out in the backyard. It was very nice and a good way to bond. We got in before dinner and I gave her one of my presents. A coloring book about Denmark. We painted a page, and then it was dinner time. After dinner we played with the train tracks and I read a few books to Jade and then we all went to bed.

Woke up around 6am, couldn’t sleep so I decided to turn on the computer and had a few chats with people back home. It’s very strange that it was afternoon in Denmark, when I just got up.
I read for a while and then we had breakfast at the table. French toast, tried to have some peanutbutter on. French Toast and peanutbutter is a no-go for me. But need to taste some more, so I can make up my mind of what to think about it.
Then we went out to a gigantic store called Costco. It basically has everything Danish METRO has. It just had much, much more and was at least double as big.
After the shopping we went into a store to buy tap shoes and ballet shoes for Jade. She had her first lesson Wednesday, so she needed the shoes.
Then it was home, we had lunch. While Erin prepared food, and Sam was playing with Jade. I walked around singing with Teeg. He really likes to hear singing, so I sang a lot of different Danish Nursery songs. We ate and then it was Quite time for Jade (nap time) Erin and I went for a walk with Teegan and when we came back we both sat down reading.
After Jade’s quite time Sam drove her around in a bike trailer and Erin took Teegan and Thira out. And they all went to the library. I stayed at home, a little time for my self so I could blog for you guys. Also responded on my mom’s email. She took off the sheets  on my bed today, a week after I left the house. She don’t like it being so empty. She probably still sneak past my door in the morning, so she won’t wake me up. Though I’m not there.  Well she needs to get used to it.

I really like to be here, they are all very nice, both Sam, Erin, Jade, Teeg and Thira. I feel very welcome.
Hope you all are doing good both back home, but also all the other aupairs. I miss the girls from the workshop.
I have already now found a good reason to be an au pair, example is this Sunday. After dinner I also went to my room. As an au pair you choose yourself how involved you wanna be with the family when you’re off-duty. This first weekend I have been with the family a lot, and it have been really nice, so today I needed a little break. My door is open, lights are on, I can hear the family, just need a little time to cope with all the impressions and new things. It feels kind of weird to be in a new family, but they are really nice and I also thinks (knows) that they understand that I need time for myself and privacy.

I feel good, my body is tired. I have never before been drinking so much water. But we live pretty high, where the air is thinner and drier than what I’m used to. So it will probably take some time to get used to.

January 15, 2012

Thursday evening and Friday – January 13th 2012

Thursday evening:
After class was dismissed we decided to meet a dinner. So I went up packing in my room. It funny enough seems to be easier to pack down my stuff in New York. I haven’t bought anything extra in New York. But It feels like there are more space in my suitcase after being in New York. So packing went fast and pain free. 
After dinner the five of us headed for Times Square. Everyone has told to me that it’s amazing to see. But I really didn’t get enchanted or overwhelmed. It was just a square like every other square. Yes all the lights from the commercials were a bit weird. But I really didn’t get high of it.
Well some of the girls wanted to go into the “I <3 New York shop” So we did. It was a big store with a lot of souvenirs, there was a lot of pretty, funny, weird, beautiful stuff. But I didn’t buy any, since I don’t need it.
Then Lisa wanted to go to the M&M shop, so we did. And that amazed me in a sick way. How can they make so much junk because of two chocolate buttons?! That’s just sick. It was fun to see and took a lot of pictures in there. Because I just couldn’t believe it. Well Mette and Lisa bought some M&M’s and we went out again after 30 minutes
Then we went into  American eagle, where I kind of bought something. But I actually need it so It’s okay. And there were 40% off – As many people knows  when you have bought something you can have your picture taken and get 15 seconds of fame on the big screen in Times Square. And since I’m only an au pair once I want to do these kind of things - Funny memories with the 5 of us. So we got our picture taken and hurried out to the Square so we could have pictures of it. It was cool, and fun to watch yourself on such a big screen.
Then we went into the Disney shop, which I was very disappointed over. SO boring. The one in Copenhagen is much more glittery and magic so was pretty disappointed ´. But they had this big screen were the showed Disney-music-videos. So we entertained everyone at the second floor when 5 girls were singing Karaoke along with Timon, Pumba and Simba. HAKUNA MATATA. That was fun! Though! It was already 9.30, so we started walking back home, on our way we went into Starbucks. Got a hot chocolate and we walked home again, got a little lost but we managed to get back.
Back at the Hostel I fell into talk with Yara, my roomie. We talked about different things about Denmark and Brazil. How the systems work, politics and safety. Very fun to hear about. Then we went to bed when it was over 11pm.

Had extremely many wake up this night. Same as usual – noises and then I think the excitement did something too. Got up around 6am, took a shower and went down for breakfast. Frosties with milk and a piece of fruit. The girls and I all decided to share our pictures from the workshop, so we also had some pictures starring ourselves.
Then we went to “class” got the test back, I passed. Then Abbey our sweet, sweet instructor asked if she should take group photos of us. Since we were a small group (29) she could manage. So we did. Everyone got a group-photo on their Camera :) That was very, very nice of her.
Well it felt like forever, but at 9.45 Kristins Driver came. Her family lives just outside City, so they had privately arrange a shuttle for her. So we had say “goodbye for now” We all have agreed that we want to see each other during the year. So I really look forward seeing the girls again.
Then we waited again.  And at 10.30am our bus finally came. Both the girls going LGA and JFK in came in the same bus. So the rest of us in the girl group were still together. It was a very weird feeling. We were driving out of the city and into queens. You can really see the different, and everyone became so quite when we got into Queens. And you could almost hear people’s thoughts. It was also the time where I thought about my adventure. Now it was happening, I had already left Denmark, now I was leaving NYC and the workshop. Getting ready for Boulder.
At 11.30am we came to LGA and Lisa had to get off. So goodbye to her.
Then around 12, we finally got to JFK, first we dropped almost all the girls off at terminal 8, AA. And then there was only Mette, I and Franziska left. We got dropped off at delta and we went in. We were quite confused about what to do. A very nice lady saw us, and checked us in. I really didn’t expect that I had to pay to get my suitcase with me. I haven’t been told that, so that was kind of unsuspected . But I kind of need my stuff, so I really couldn’t do anything. But $25 is okay, since it means I can get my stuff with me :) We had a pretty good and fun conversation with the lady who checked us in, Americans are so open. Much more open than the Danes, if you ask me. We would never get into that kind of conversation with a stranger. Danes are private people. For example: In America everyone keeps asking “ How are you” “how are you doing” “doing good today” – If the cashier or anyone else we didn’t know asked us that in Denmark, we would look very weird and say “It’s non of your business” Asking to peoples well-being in Denmark is not normal. Only if you know each other.  Then we went into the terminals. We got a little lunch, talked a lot and then I followed Mette and Franziska to their gate. Their plane should leave at 14.45. So I had plenty of time to find my own gate.

Well, now it’s 4.45. And I have now found the right gate! Though They were next to each other. When I was checked in, I was told Gate 9. So I have actually just been sitting in the wrong gate for almost 2 hours. I’m glad I double-checked. The good thing about Americans is they are all so friendly. I thought They listed the planes by time, like we do in Denmark. But they list them after alphabetic order. So I was like, oh no my planes isn’t on. Then one of the staff came over and asked if I looked for a flight. And I was like yeah, Denver. And he was like: Oh that’s listet right there while pointing at screen. Well it was at gate 10 instead so, I’m glad I checked.
I’m so exited to see the family and can’t wait to see the family. My host dad Sam is going to pick me up. I won’t land before 8.48 so it will be later than the others au pairs. But as long as I get there I’m fine.  Mette and Franziska have landed in Baltimore, and hopefully they are about to meet their families. Really look forward seeing mine. Should go put my plugs in. My ears are still a little sore from the last flight. Earplugs in the ears for over 14 hours, will be felt. And so I do.  Well have to get it done, see ya in Boulder, CO. 

January 13, 2012

Workshop day 3, and my honest opinion – January 12th 2012

Slept again tonight, but still many wakeups. It’s pouring rain here in New York. Since there are fightings about the restroom every morning, I got up a little over 6. So I could get a shower. Which I actually have found very nice and refreshing
Breakfast was a total disaster. There were put 3 giant trays on the table. One with bagels, another with blueberry muffins and a third with croissants. And I thought, well great – choices. And then the happiness were gone. Some little bossy kitchen-woman tells us that we only can take one thing and just ONE. And that we wasn’t allowed to take more.  In the middle of the confussion a took a croissant and a hot chocolate.
Generally the food is not the best. We can only take once. We never get full of it and I’m actually unsatisfied with the workshop.
Our rooms are cold and not nice. The windows are not sealed, some og the rooms (not mine, there are just a hole and they can stick a hand outside.) The outer panels and the curtain rod is about to fall off.
There are always something wrong in the rest rooms.
First day, I washed my hands and got wet feet. I thought it was quit strange. But the pipe which makes sure the water gets to the sewer wasn’t put on properly.
Second day, yesterday: When I went to shower, there hardly came any water out, and the water which came out where just running down the wall. And when you flushed the toilet, the water went basically everywhere else than in the toilet. So disgusting.
Today I was almost burned by the water in the shower, so I was pretty pissed off. I also lost my shampoo, so I only have the conditioner left.
It’s fine we sleeps in bunks, I don’t mind. But every time we move just the slightest, then it squeaks, creaks and roars, so both me and my rommie wakes up.

The actual workshop is total waste of time. We don’t get anything out of it and either won’t the families.
We go through the most logic and simple things, how to hold a baby, changing a diaper etc. Abbey our teacher is really really nice, but I don’t feel that I’m getting any useful. Liza just talks and talks and jumps around, Celia is sweet but she just seems so uncommitted.
I know that people comes with different kinds of experiences. But maybe they should have splitted us up. So us who are infant care qualified could spend more time learning about the more phsykological part and learning new activities. Instead of “learning” how to hold a child.
At the same time I really don’t understand how some of these girl got accepted into the program. They don’t understand anything, and doesn’t even know what Toilet means. It’s completely waste of time for me to listen to those kind of questions.  I know people are here to learn, but they have to know just a lttle English.

At the same time I feel really sorry for the families. They are paying for our workshop, room and boarder, They can’t be satisfied with the “educational” and the room and boarder. On top of all this comes that I have to sit in the airport for 6-7 hours before I can go to take my plane, which take 4½ hour. I asked them why I had to go that early. And it’s simply because they are saving money. The only girls who can stay until a “proper” time is the girls going via Newark. They are picked up by the supershuttle. They just get a pre-paid voucher and get picked up when they want. Så they actually don’t think of our “well-being” if you may, and actually don’t care how long we are going to wait in the airport.

Well I have meet some wonderful people. And I hope I’m able to keep in touch with them, defiantly: Mette, Kristim, Rebekka and Lisa from Germany. Really nice people. We don’t live in the same area, but then I have one more excuse to travel :)

Well today we have had a little about child abuse and is having  our “exam”. It is said to be extremely easy. And if you have written down what the teacher told you to write down, you already got the answers. After our exam Heidi a CC comes to tell us about the program and rules.

Tonight I, Mette and some of the girls are going to Times Square. I haven’t been there yet, even though I have been in the city for a few days. So hopefully it’s going to be good, let’s just hope, that the rain have stopped.
In 24 hours I’m in a plane on my way to my new family. I really look forward to see my family and get some proper food :) 

January 12, 2012

Workshop day 2+3 – January 11th 2012´.

Tuesday: woke up at 1am and was fully awake. I tried to pull my self together and “force” my self to sleep, but with no luck. Tried with some nice and slow music, didn’t help either. So I lay awake, was extreamly hungry and pretty mad at the whole situation. My roomie still hasn’t showed up. Abbey our head instructor told us that EVERYONE was going to get a roomie. So I kind of got a little nervous for her, even though I didn’t know who she was.
4.30am my door goes up, I was still awake, course. And in came Yara, a brasilian au pair. She told that she had traveled for over 24 hours because og cancelations and delays. So at 5am she went to bed and would only get 2 hours of sleep. I still couldn’t fall asleep.
A little to 7 I went to get a shower, and almost have to fight to get a restroom. But Eventually I got my turn. The classes begins at 8am and then it all began. The hours are long, and a bit boring. I know basically it all and there are so many in our au pair group (we are 29 girls) who can’t say anything in English. The French don’t want to speak in English and keeps to themselves so they can speak French. I have come in pretty good contact with Mette the other Dane ND 3 German Au pairs – Lisa, Kristin and Rebekka.
In the lunch break, which by the way is 2 hour long, we all went to central park, which is just down the road. So that’s just awesome. A really beautiful park and I can even see it from both my room and the hallway window.  We went for a walk and  took photos and just had a really nice time. Back to class, which didn’t end before a little over 6pm.
Then it was some dinner and later a big red sightseen bus were picking the 29 of us up. Really cool. I was really exhausted because of the  jetlag which I really wasn’t prepared for. We sat in one of the closed buses, so most of the pictures were taken out of the back of the bus which was a little open. We saw/ drove by all the important sights; Brooklyn Bridge, 9/11-memorial, all the important skyscrapers, Broadway etc. it was nice, The guide Matt was okay and gave us some “tips” on where to go shop. Even though Shopping is absolutely out of the question since room in the suitcase is non-existing . When I got home, I actually
wanted to blog, but every 30th second my eyes shut. So I decided not to blog and went to sleep.  After only 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours and no food my body was about to shut down. I got some sleep but was awake many times. We sleeps in bunks, and every time we just move a slight it just makes so much noise. It’s squeaking and it’s like there is plastic bags folded around our beds which is scratchy. Plus my roomie were talking and screaming in her sleep, I think she had a nightmare. At least I got some sleep :)
Well Wednesday morning I got up, and it was fine. Then I got a really disgusting breakfast, Breakfast-burger. A bun with egg, bacon and cheese. Really not what I wanted but they didn’t give us any other choices.
Then headed for class, which were some of the most boring thing ever in my life. It’s så logic things which we go through. I’m really not happy about the whole workshop, I think it’s completely waste of time. It’s really nice get to know all the other girls. Who would have thought that I would become friends with Germans?! Yeah, your read correct, Germans! Really, really nice girls, I hope I’m going to keep contact with them.
In our lunch break, we five girls. Mette, Kristin, Lisa, Rebekka and I went to “Shake Shake” We got a burger, fries and a shake. It was seriously a small burger for that price. But it tasted SO good and made me full so fast. So it were really worth the money!
Back to school, had a little about crib death (SIDS) and was told that shaking a baby is absolutely NOT okay – surprise, surprise! Like I didn’t know that already. Well it was time for our presentation about our countries and cultures. Mette and I made the coolest map showing Denmark, a drawing with all the things Denmark is famous for and of course the Law of Jante.  It became pretty funny and we had the typical fight between people from Copenhagen and Jutland. Very entertaining. For the first time, I didn’t get nervous to stand up in front of a class and present something, I actually enjoyed it and made a bit of a clownery. Very unusual for me, but changes isn’t always a bad thing. Maybe it was because I know that I’m among the best in class?
Then it was time for dinner and guess what. It was burger! That was the third meal wich contained of a burger – and also in the same day! I ate half of it because then the dessert was served: Fruit! I really liked that we got something healthy.

Basically everyone wanted to go out shopping and go to Times Square. I wasn’t really up for it. I’m not totally exhausted like the 2 other days. I just wanted a calm evening so I could blog. Mette Joined me and the Kristin and Lisa came later on. They headed for Times Square later on. While Mette and I stayed. Now sitting side by side, writing and puts pictures to order. It’s pretty nice :)

January 10, 2012

You are now ready for boarding!

4.00am: The alarm is ringing. I have no idea how much sleep I have gotten. And I really don’t wanna know either.  For the first time in a really long time, I folded my hands and pray before I went to sleep. The thought of not being around my loved ones was killing me. And I asked God to take care of them while I’m away.

4.40am:  It’s now, next stop Copenhagen Airport. We are meeting Martin And Camilla out there. We find the place I should check in. I get my suitcase and myself checked in all the way to Newark. We are heading towards the escalator. It’s broke, so I will have to take the stairs. Turning awards my father, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek .  Then the tears came. Giving Camilla, Martin and Mom the same kinds of hugs and kiss. I hurried to get it done since we were in tears. I went up the stairs crying, not turning around heading towards security.  Just before I went trough security I got eyecontact with daddy, just before he went outside. We waved each other, last sight of my Dad, for a very, very long time.  Heartbroken. God I’m going to miss them, both Mom, Dad, Martin! (Crying now) You really start realizing how much you love, appreciate and values people when you leave for such a long time!

5.15am: Trough security, no problems. Most tears have now left my face. Going towards the restrooms, putting my earplugs in. Texting my mom, that I’m okay and that I have to walk all the way to the A gates. Got a message back, she was OK too. Wishing me luck on my trip, hugs and kisses Mom and Dad.
Heading towards my Gate and then Waiting.

6.10am: Boarding begins. I have gotten window seats in both flights.

6.30am: Take-off. Trying to hold the tears, and I made it all the way until we were airborn. Whispering a small “See ya´ Denmark”, and then going half-to-sleep rest of the way. Pain was there, in my right ear as-usual! But I can live with that pain, while we just are settling for landing.

7.55am: Welcome to Brussels, 20 minutes early, but that’s fine. Wauw what a way to get to B-gates! Firstly through the whole A-gate, then down one escalator. Walk a bit – then down one more. Then trough a lot off hall-ways, up one escalator, walk around 20 meters and then down an escalator again. Walk trough a lot of hall-ways again, through the tunnel, walk, escalator up, walk, walk, walk, Pas port control, walk, walk, security again, then walk down to B11.

8.20am: Waiting time again. This time 1½ hour. It really smell were I sit, they really should start using some cleaning materials with a nicer smell.

9.15am: Boarding begins, a gigantic line of people is in line. I go to the counter, and are told to go to another desk so I can answer some security questions and get a new boardingcard, because my boardingcard was made in Copenhagen. Goes to another gigantic line, and after a few minutes an officer ask the whole line: “None of you aren’t going to Newark right?” And I’m like, yeah I am. Then I’m literally dragged all the way through the line. Gets some security questions about my suitcase, which I don’t hear half of because of my plugs. He gets pretty annoyed. Then he sents me towards another counter, whp writes on my boardingcard FROM COPENHAGEN and tells me to go back to B11 FAST. I guess they didn’t need that new boarding card. Goes back to the Line and straight through B11 with no problems this time, and then I’m in the plain.

10am: The 8 hour flight s taking off. Flying with United airline. I have never been on such a big plane! 3 rows, with 3 seats on each row! Though I’m sitting in front of the emergency exit and zone 3 so in the row I sit we are only 2 seats. The man next to me, really isn’t that nice, he must have a very bad day or he just don’t like sitting next to a girl who takes her boots off and putting on her warm comfy socks.
Everyone have their own personal screen where you’ll find all sorts of entertainment. I Watched “Black Swan” pretty creepy one.
Then food came, okay food and great service. Each 40-60 minutes they came and offered you something to drink. I tried to watch 2 other movies during the flight, but couldn’t concentrate. I wanted to sleep so bad but couldn’t at all. Couldn’t find a good position, too much noise (sitting on the engine, isn’t helping!), tried some relaxing music from the entertainment center; Adele, Josh Groban and Bruno Mars. Played suduko on my screen, watched the map where you see the graphic of the plane and the distance. Nothing helped.  Well it was a good flight any way. Got some more food before we landed, which was very, very nice.

11.45am: How many fields can America possibly have?! Good gracious! And how many tenniscourts?! It’s such a beautiful sight when you are about to land in Newark. On one side of the river you see small houses, factories, train-tracks, containers etc. on the other side you see the Sky liners going up in the air. Very beautiful sight!

12.15pm: Welcome to Newark.

1.05pm: Trough security and immigration. Then finding the place where you order your shuttle. It was quit confussing but after asking 2 people (Strangers!) I managed to find it. Sat in line for like 20 minutes and then the driver came. I made notes, small cuewords and sentences on my mobile while going to YMCA. I think it would be funnier to just read the words with no explanations. This are my first impression on New York City:
-        1.25pm: In the bus. Driver couldn’t understand my voucher , very funny. Is placed in a basically filled bus. So I got frontseat..
-        Speed limit 45mph, the meter is constant around 60. Broke? - I really do hope so.
-        3 places to pay to get trough before the tunnel!
-        Lincoln Tunnel – Hello NYC
-        Really bad roads – Denmark shouldn’t complain!
-        Yellowcap hell and one single bike
-        2.10pm: at YMCA, can’t check in before 20 minutes. Room isn’t ready. Am I the first one here?

3.45pm: Blogging about the departure makes me cry. Have texted with both Mom and Martin, telling them that I’m here and that I’m okay :)
Have a cup of tapwater. It tasted weird. Not like the tapwater at home. I guess it’s just a matter of time :)

4pm: I’m still alone in my room, very weird feeling. The French are keeping them to themselves, only speaking French. It’s like they either don’t want to or have a very hard time adjusting to speak English. You can feel that they have been on the plane together – most of them at least. So they have already now made a good connection with each other.
It’s hard to believe that I’m actually  in New York. But I have proof: Central Park, the view from the hallway window and the use of American convertor/adapter to charge your phone.

 8.45pm: Meet Mette at dinner time, along with some of the Germans, all very nice girls. We ate and headed toward our first class at 7pm-9pm. But Abbey our head instructor during the week. She told us that she wouldn’t keep us for longer than 5 minutes. She knew that 15 girls still hasn’t arrived and that everyone else was tired, exhausted, exited and jetlagged. So we have a free night.  I found that we only have free wi-fi  in the “social” areas. Which is nice, but it would have been even nicer if we had it in our rooms. But I do see why this is. We will just end up locking ourselves to the room chating with home. So I went down to “63 bites” to get online. Sat for a while and this German girl stared at me, and in the end she was pointing at me and said “ aren’t you…?” and I was “Yeah, I’m her” So I went to their table and we chatted for a little while. We showed off our host kids, talking about all the girls with late flights. Talking about the French. (sorry to all the French people out there in the world. But seriously if you can prevent speaking other languages than your own, you’ll do it! That’s not a good way to socialize with au pairs from other countries – who don’t speak French) Wrote Erin my host mom, doing an update on facebook and sending an email for the closest friends and families in Denmark. 

Went to my room, where I sit now at 9.15pm. My roomie still hasn’t showed up, which mean she will probably wake me up. Need to get up at 6.45, have put the stuff I’m going to use and wear on a shelf. Trying to keep as much space as possible free for the roomie.

First day is over. I’m exhausted. In Denmark it’s almost 3.30am. Which mean I have been awake for almost 24 hours now. Heading to bed and posting this tomorrow morning, while I’m eating breakfast.

January 8, 2012

Last week in Denmark

Tuesday: Thought I should continue packing, I just relaxed. Had my last evening with Dad, I’m gonna miss those evenings. I cooked, didn’t like it myself though. Dad ate it.

Wednesday: Packing? Nope – relaxing.

Thursday: Doctors appointment. It’s so windy and rainy. Normal it takes me 7 minutes to ride my bike to the doctors. Today it took 30 minutes because of the rain and wind. But the appointment went well and I got my prescriptions.
Then I headed out for lunch, movie and goodbye with Linea. Lunch was great, movie – really not the best. And the goodbye was postponed to Friday.

Friday: Headed out with Linea, to buy a last present and getting my prescriptions. We had lunch again and then it was goodbye. Really weird, knowing it will be long before we see each other again, Just standing there looking at each other. I took her quit by surprise, but I felled that it was now or never. I was ready and taking the bike rest of the way would be too hard for me. But I hope she can come visit me.
Then in the evening we celebrated my grandma’s 70th birthday.

Saturday: The day has arrived, suitcase packed for the second time and the “see ya’s” to my dear family. A fantastic evening, everyone wrote in my guestbook, which I started when I turned 18. No Drama, many laughs, discussions, showing pictures of the new family and big hugs from everyone. Drove my grandma home while my aunt uncle, cousins and Gaby was still in the house. We ended up sitting and having a great time until 11.30pm. Then it was time for them to leave too. It was a very nice and calm evening with my family, and I like that :)
I’m very proud of myself, I didn’t cry when I gave the last hugs. I waited until I was alone. I’m the kind of person who suffers in silent, keeping a smile on my lips until the very end. At the same time, I don’t think I realized that I wasn’t going to see them any time soon before I sat alone in the living room. But it was a nice evening.

Sunday: re-packing for the second time, I have 2 kg left in my suitcase and I still need a few more things :/ I’ll just sit on my suitcase – AGAIN to close it. I’m so glad I bought that suitcase weight! Sat on my swing in the backyard for a while, took it all in, listening to some Danish Music. It’s weird that I’m going to be away for such long time!
The last couple of days I have more or less tried to behave like normal, not hanging around my parents -  because I never sit on their laps all day. I have behaved normal. Being outside, listening to music, being in my room with closed door (which by the way is very normal and not because I’m angry. I just like doors to be closed) Going around in my own little world, packed down some more stuff wondering whether or not I have forgotten anything.
Probably won’t post anything the next couple of days. But I will try to do a timeline post like this one so you can follow the process. If the posts get long – I apologize now. But this is actually happening, I’m on my way.
See you all, on the other side of the world!

January 2, 2012

Mission Impossible begins.

 I have created a closed facebook group for the girls attending the workshop in January.  So far we are 9 French, 2 Danes, 3 Germans and 1 Brazilian girl. It’s nice to start connecting before the workshop. And it’s a good way to keep the contact after the workshop. We all have been writing, who we are, where we are from, where we are going and which one of the airports we are landing in. Most are arriving in JFK and I thought I was the only one arriving in Newark. But it looks like Mette the other Dane is arriving there too. Though I thought she would arrive in JFK. But that’s just a nice surprise.  We land with 5 minutes between each other, and then we will see if we are able to find each other, but eventually we will meet at the YMCA. But it would be nice to have someone to talk to on our way to NYC.

Packing: Firstly put in what you cannot leave without. I got some presents which I need to bring, memories like pictures and small stuff (and I really mean SMALL stuff!), a cookbook and a small dictionary like a travelers-dictionary size. Then the rough packing began and OH BOY I’m glad I started 1 week before departure to pack my suitcase!

A month ago I started to sort my clothes out. What to bring and what not to bring. The shelf with “Not To Bring” stuff is now given a way to charity, since I’m not going to use it. The “To Bring” shelves are what I’m sorting out in now. And I’m very, very harsh to myself. 
To make it even harder I gave myself 10 minutes to decide what to bring and what not to bring. Throwing what I need into the suitcase, while the rest is on the floor. That’s hard. There are (still!) many things I want to bring, and I can’t have them all. I have “only” taken those items which I can’t live without. Basic clothing is not something I will bring a lot of, I can easily buy something when I’m there instead.  Already know while I sit and blog. I can already say that, my ballerinas, my summer-tights, 2 tops and 2 dresses will find its way out of the suitcase again! With them rest of my running clothes will probably gonna find its way out too. I have 2 pairs of heals, they are staying - at least the one of them. They are my favorite pair of heals and I wear them as often I can. So they will stay. I don’t like packing right now.

An important thing is to remember which time of year you are arriving at. I have SO many sweet summer dresses, I love my flip flops and my shorts. But seriously I’m arriving in the winter. I’m sure they have both summer dresses, flip flops and shorts in America ;) There are no good reasons to bring it unless you can’t live without it. I have one summer dress I can’t live without and I will bring it – but believe me I will use it when the summer hit! My favorite shorts and knickers have been tossed out again along with the ballerinas. The same goes with my running clothes. They have shops in America, and usually it’s cheaper too.
Well first day of doing the impossible, will continue tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I hope to find some space when the rest is in. Then I can bring some more clothes :D

Mission impossible begining

 Rough packing

Sort out again - you don't need it all!

 Fold or roll it. 
First day of packing - done