February 5, 2012

Week 3

Monday wasn’t the best day at all. I felt really down, and Jade kind of made a lot of drama too. So that wasn’t the best day at all.
Tuesday, I kind of feared. Erin needed to go to the new house very early since the movers brought over the furniture and boxes. So I needed to follow Jade to school that morning. And after Monday, I really feared it. The first thing she said to me was whining “I don’t want you to follow me to school!” great start. It ended out in Erin left with Teegan and Sam and I followed her to school. Then I had a little time of since there was no kids around, did a little laundry. Then I picked up Jade and she behaved so well for the rest of the day. It was like she figured that Mom wasn’t around and she had me all by herself. So she had all the attention and loved it. So really good experience.
Wednesday a good day again. Jade have kind of figured from yesterday that I’m okay. And we didn’t have any bigger issues. She seeked Mommy, but not as much as all the other days.
Thursday I had Jade from around 8.20, no parents around – all good. Followed her to school – all good. Home, ate breakfast, Teegan and Erin got back. I took him he fell asleep. Then it was time to pick up Jade, Erin came along. But didn’t get into the room before Jade had greeted me. Which was really nice, because she actually gave me a big smile and wanted to hold my hand. And then I told her that I had brought Mommy.
I should have meet Silvia my CC Thursday evening and then we should go to Pueblo Friday. But there was heavy snow coming in. And we didn’t dare to drive down in too much snow. So suddenly we decided to go down Thursday, fast as possible. And then we remembered: meeting with Silvia. Got on Erin’s phone and call her to cancel, and take the meeting someday next week. And then within 1-1½ hour we had had lunch, packed and on our way to pick up Sam on the way.
We were lucky, we didn’t meet snow before “The Springs” so we got out in good time, before the snow getting to close to Boulder. It’s weird leaving Boulder with sun and then get to Pueblo, snow and 32 fahrenheit. So I’m glad we got out so fast.
Friday I was off most of the day, since I babysat in the evening, so Erin and Sam could get some time off to go to the Chocolate event. I was so glad I could finally sleep in late, not worrying when the alarm would ring. I woke up and it was so bright, I thought it was around 9am or so. But no no. It was only 7.30! I choose to turn to my other side and sleep again. But my body was all awake and ready to get up. So no more sleep for me. I spend the most of the day on my computer, talking to different people, finding accomendation in Florida for 6 girls in March. I really hope we are going to find something. I think we are a little late, to find cheap and good places. But I really miss the girls and a weekend fri-mon in Florida just sounds fantastic! Though it’s so annoying that I’m not able to get served alcohol or get in to the many of the clubs. Everything I got when I was 18 in Denmark. Is now taking away from me until June 18th!
But anyway I’m going how can you not go when the 4 B’s are involved?! (Beach, Bikini, Boys, Booze!) plus the New-York-Gang!
The babysitting was kind of a challenge. Teegan had a k-5 and after 20 minutes of screaming, crying I called Erin so she could come home to comfort him. In the time between the call and Erin showing up, Teegan cried himself to sleep – poor little guy. Mom came, took Teeg nursed him a little and then she brought him along to the event. Jade and I ate tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. And then we watched Cars 2.

Saturday Very relaxing day. Got up when I woke, we had pancakes for breakfast. We packed and went to something called Eagle day. We saw a lot of eagles, some other animals, it was fine. Not my favorite thing to do. To crowded. View was great. I like the mountain state. On our way back to the house I drived for the first time. Ehm it went okay. Missed a stop sign (wups) and was told that I stop very close to the cars. In Copenhagen I’m told that I need to stop closer to everyone. Interesting. Also the car was automatic, not something I’m used to at all. So my left food kept pressing against a clutch which wasn’t there everytime I thought it was “time” to change gear. (which wasn’t there) at least my hands were on the wheel. Even though it felt wrong. I’ll get used to it. No one died and we got to Mimi and PJ’s house safely. Then it was back to Boulder.
On our way home, we had a few stop, we needed to check out some used furniture place – like “det blå pakhus” in Denmark. A very huge place where everything is sold second-hand very cheap and the money and some of all the stuff goes to charity.
Then we needed to go to a AT&T store to get me a phonenumber. As in Denmark those kind of sellers are totally annoying. Same thing not answering the questions and tries to “trick” you. Danish system with internet-stores – so much easier and comfortable.
Sunday relaxing again, still trying to figure out my phone. I think I got a hold of it now. But still a lot of practice. Family went to the new house. I stayed home. Talked with a lot of people. And a very good friend sent me a song, which I have been searching for months, that made my week. Then I went out for a walk in all the snow.  1½ hour in the snow and ice. 3,553 miles or 5,718 kilometers. A nice Sunday walk with camera in hand and Rasmus Seebach in my ears.
Home, blogging and writing secrets.

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